The Benefits of Collecting Points
Collect 1 point for every dollar spent, not including taxes
Redeem points for GT’s gift cards. The longer you collect points, the higher the return, up to the $100 gift card level!
Once you’ve collected 1000 points, your points card BECOMES a $100 gift card!
Sign up at the bar today!
Check POINTS balance HERE.
100 points = $5 GT’s gift certificate
300 points = $10 GT’s gift certificate
400 points = $20 GT’s gift certificate
500 points = $30 GT’s gift certificate
750 points = $50 GT’s gift certificate
1000 points = $100 GT’s gift certificate
300 points = $10 GT’s gift certificate
400 points = $20 GT’s gift certificate
500 points = $30 GT’s gift certificate
750 points = $50 GT’s gift certificate
1000 points = $100 GT’s gift certificate